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COVID FAQ for Season

COVID UPDATE as of 4/29/22:


When your player has been notified and identified as a close contact in a group exposure to a positive Covid case. Close contact means that they may have neem within 6 ft of a COVID 19 positive individual for 15 minutes or more within a 24 hour period masked or unmasked.


Attending Games/Practice: Regardless of your players vaccination status, they can continue playing.  



ACPHD strongly recommends that your player now wear a mask while in a group setting, except when eating or drinking for the 10 day exposure protocol period. The 10 day masking date starts from the date you were made aware of the exposure. Please make sure your player wears a well fitted mask with good filtration while at practice and during games during this time.


Testing Recommendation:

It is recommended, but not required, that an exposed player test 3-5 days following the last date of exposure. Any FDA approved Antigent or PCR diagnostic test is acceptable for clearance, including at home antigen tests.  If your player has been diagnosed with a positive case of Covid in the last 90 days, an Antigen test is recommended. 


If you chose to do testing at home and your player is positive, you MUST keep them home and notify your Coach. A general email of the exposure will be provided to the team, with no player name or family information.


If at ANY time your player develops symptoms of COVID 19, please keep them home and contact your healthcare provider for direction, and notify your Coach.



The following COVID-19 risk mitigation plan has been developed by TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE with the goal of creating as safe an environment as possible for players, coaches, families, volunteers and umpires while they are participating in a TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE event. This plan was developed using guidance from Little League International, California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE will closely monitor and follow the guidelines set forth by our state and respective county and local health officials when determining Little League activities. If you have any questions, please contact your physician, a public health official, district staff or local Little League board member.


Interleague Play

  1. Per CDPH, baseball game play is permitted under the Outdoor and Indoor Youth and Recreational Adult Sports, CDPH 12/14/20 memo.

  2. Interleague play is subject to district approval, filed through the data center.

  3. TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE will operate a limited concession stand for the baseball season.

  4. Signage should be posted at each field reminding individuals of established protocols, social distancing of 6 feet, and recommends to wear a face mask and to perform proper hand hygiene.


COVID-19 Waiver

Before participating in any Little League activity, all participants must sign a waiver form.


Use of Face Coverings and PPE

  1. Participants are encouraged to wear face coverings when participating in the activity and face coverings must be worn when not participating in the activity (e.g., on the sidelines in dugout).

  2. It will be the responsibility of the team manager to make sure players are wearing their masks when needed and that they are being worn properly.

  3. Masks are encouraged to be worn by everyone at the game site, including volunteers, players, and spectators to help with the spread of COVID-19. 


Equipment Hygiene & Sanitation

  1. Players should have their own batter’s helmet and glove, and, if possible, their own bat and/or catcher’s equipment. Player equipment should be cleaned and disinfected after each use.

  2. Parents and coaches will be instructed to wash jerseys and practice clothes after each game or practice by the team managers.

  3. There should be no shared helmets. Players should put helmets back in their own bags when not in use.

  4. Managers and coaches must educate players not to touch fellow players’ equipment or personal items.

  5. Shared equipment should be cleaned and disinfected before use by another person, group or team.

  6. All surfaces of the shared piece of equipment must be cleaned, then disinfected with an EPA-approved disinfectant against COVID-19 and be allowed to dry before being used by a new player.


Cohorting, etc.

  1. Players and coaches should cohort by team and refrain from participating with more than one team over the same season.

  2. A team cohort consists of one manager, two coaches and 12 players (15-person team cohort).

  3. No sharing of food or drinks. No team snacks are allowed. The league will ban any food from being on the field of play as well as requiring each player to bring their own water bottle clearly marked with their name.

  4. A tip of the hat or wave shall replace the customary post-game handshake.

  5. Coaches and managers will be given a designated area down each foul line to use for the time when they are not practicing/playing.

  6. Players and Coaches will be required to wear a mask during any verbal group instruction.

  7. Individuals are encouraged to stay at least 6 feet from non-household members.


Health Screening / Self-Monitoring

  1. All individuals should measure their body temperature to ensure no fever (greater than 100.4 F) is present prior to participating in or attending a Little League activity.

  2. Any person with symptoms of fever, cough, worsening respiratory symptoms, or any known exposure to a person with COVID-19 should not attend any TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE activity until cleared by a medical professional or has completed the recommended time for quarantine recommended by the CDC.

  3. Any person with underlying serious medical/respiratory conditions or who is at risk for severe illness should only attend TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE activities with permission from a medical professional.

  4. TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE officials will ensure that managers, coaches, players, umpires and volunteers have completed their self-health check prior to attending a Little League activity.


Arrival and Exiting Times of Games

If the need arises due to limited availability of the fields, the end and start times of the game will attempt to allow for a 45-minute gap between games. If another game is scheduled prior, players and coaches will be asked to arrive NO MORE THAN 30 minutes before their scheduled game time for TBall and Minor B, and NO MORE THAN 60 minutes for Minor A and up. Post-game huddles and team discussions will be limited to brief instructions about the next game or practice and all individuals will be asked to leave the field area within 15 minutes of the game finishing. Any player that arrives more than allotted time before their scheduled game will be asked to wait in their vehicle until the previous teams have left the field.



  1. Immediate household members may observe practices and games as needed for age- appropriate supervision, but observers should be limited to ensure physical distance can be maintained.

  2. TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE encourages maintaining at least 6 feet from non-household members and wear face coverings.

  3. Must perform daily health screening. Any person experiencing symptoms, living with someone with symptoms or who has been in contact with a person with COVID-19 must stay home.

  4. Should bring their own seating when possible.

  5. Must not enter playing areas on the field, behind the backstop  (including bleachers) or in/around team dugouts and player/coach areas.  

  6. When bathrooms are available, they should be limited in use. Persons using the facilities must perform hand hygiene (wash or sanitize) both on entering and exiting the restroom.

  7. All spectators must vacate the field/venue as soon as possible after the conclusion of the game or practice, ideally within 15 minutes, to allow for proper cleaning of the venue and to allow the next group to arrive.



  1. Should wear face coverings (under the umpire masks, if wearing one).

  2. Umpire equipment should remain separate from team equipment.

  3. When not calling balls and strikes must try to maintain 6 feet of physical distance when interacting with players, coaches and spectators.

  4. Must perform daily health screening. Any person experiencing symptoms, living with someone with symptoms or who has been in contact with a person with COVID-19 must stay home (see “Health Screening/Self-Monitoring” above).


League / Game Volunteers

  1. Should be limited to the field location.

  2. TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE encourages practices to be limited to the managers/coaches and players. With NO EXTRA PARENTS or SIBLINGS on the field.

  3. Individuals are encouraged to stay at least 6 feet from non-household members.


​Dugouts & Player Areas

Players are encouraged to wear a face mask when in close quarters of their teammates.



Foul balls landing outside the field of play should be retrieved by participating players, coaches, and umpires. No spectators should retrieve the ball.


Pre-game Plate Meeting

  1. During pre-game plate meetings, all individuals are encouraged to observe proper physical distancing.

  2. Plate meetings should be limited to one umpire and one coach from each team. All three individuals must wear a face covering.

  3. No players should be part of plate meetings.


​Return to Play after COVID-19 infection

  1. Persons with symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend practices or competition. They should consult their physician for testing and notify their coach of their symptoms. TREEVIEW LITTLE LEAGUE may advise managers/coaches to notify the league safety officer, who then can offer support and guidance for the player, their family and the team.

  2. Persons recovering from COVID-19 will have different paths to return to sports based on the severity of their illness. Those who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms should not exercise until cleared by a physician. See the American Academy of Pediatrics Interim Guidance on Return to Sports for additional guidance. (AAP COVID19 Interim Guidance: Return to Sports)

  3. Parents will be required to READ and AGREE to the above Mitigation Plan prior to your player coming to practice or a game.

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